Saturday, January 29, 2011

yes, i love u !

its been a while ;) . i'm being busy lately, how are you guys ? doing great right ? alhamdulillah ;) . i miss malaysia so much , and miss my family like crazy . recently, there's some problem with my heart (spiritually) , herm, maybe i'm lack of reciting the holy al Quran , la ila ha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minazdholimin . please keep on praying for this weak slave of Allah okay ? here, its hard to take care of my heart, eyes, away from zulumat . this zulumat blacken our heart with one dot each time we attempt it, and insyaAllah,with truly and sincerely repentance , it'll cleanse the black dot . oh Allah,Your love towards Your servants is beyond suspicion. strengthen my heart so i can love You more day by day . amiin.


dyba gula-gula said...


sy juga mernharapkan rahmat dan kasih sygNYA..

Keyrill Eduardo Willeyhem said...

Amin ...

harap2lah semua yang dilakukan berjalan dengan lancar, bro! btw, take care ...

Ayuni said...

I hope you're is great studying at oversea but we will miss our family, me too, even though just 6 hours away, I always hoping back at home and not in UnisZa.....

shahirahkhairudin said...

semoga sentiasa berada dalam limpahan rahmat-Nya..

lady-D said...


Sunah Sakura said...

jaga mata, jaga hati~~~ ;)

eh, tetiba baru perasan sama ngan tajuk entry ni --> I Love YOU Lah! Betul ke? :D

Semarak Api said...

kalo teringt seseorg yg bkn muhrim even cume terdetik sekejp sbnrnye dah mnmbhkn titik hitam dlm hati kite kn..btp senangnye kite mnmbh titik2 itam dlm hati tnpa kite sdr..n dat black dot cume dpt dbersihkan dgn mlakukn solat taubat stp hari..

sy suke entry ni..