Full-name : 'Abdul 'Aziz Bin 'Abdul Rahim
Date-of-birth : 3rd of July 1991
Age : 20 years old this year (dah xmain belasan lagi ;D )
Married : not yet, but already have prospective wife ,hua hua hua.
Zodiac : Cancer
Foot-size : my foot is extraordinary, it's long and wide (but not like kangaroo alright).
Weight : 66 kilograms
Height : last time i measured was last year,it was 176 cm, this year still didn't measure it yet.
Nickname : Aziz/ziz/maulana/MCR -friends , ajis/syg/adul/baby/behya (urdhu language for brother) - family.
High-school : since i moved a lot, there were 3 high schools i've been at, Sek.Men.Agama Rompin (F1-F1/2) ,Sek.Men.Keb.Rompin (F1/2-F2),Sek.Men.Bandar Baru UDA (F3-F5)
College/university : i studied at malacca matriculation college for PST (09/10),and currently studying at I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical Academy .
Last-thing-I've-just-did : snap a picture for this entry as it requested to do so.
My-room-condition : cold yet comfortable.
Having-a-relationship ? For-many-times ? : few times when i was at high school (hormone still not balance that time,gatal x agak).last having it is in Form 4.
Take Your Own Picture Now and Don't Edit
was taken at 8.58 a.m (here,fajr at 7.oo am)
About others
Name-of-your-gf/bf-right-now : don't have any.
Name-of-the-person-you-miss-the-most-right-now : ummi, abbi, and all my siblings. ;(
Name-of-the-person-you-hate-the-most : none
Name-of-the-last-person-you've-hurt : Kucai, i promised him to give my waffle biscuits, but i forgot,then the time i remembered again, he already bought it by himself. sorry Kucai.
Name-of-your-pet : Coral (R.I.P)
About Myself
Pernah korek hidung ? : one of my hobbies . hahaha
Pernah baca mesej pastu senyum/gelak sorang-sorang ? : yup,of course . ;)
Pernah gayut sampai tertido ? : yes, when i was in form 3,soo in love and my life full of craziness . i'm on the phone till i heard Fajr's azan.(during that time,i accidentally slept a few times)
Pernah kentut di khalayak ramai ? : one thing about me, i think farting is a big issue,and i don't fart in public, usually,i'll go to the toilet or outside the room (but when there're no one around . . . .hahhaa ;D)
Pernah tidur dalam kelas ? : yup ! very frequent . especially at matriculation college.
Pernah pukul orang ? : erm, better not to answer this question. hehe. long time ago,i'm little but crazy.
Pernah nanges depan awek/pakwe ? :nope
Pernah kena birthday prank ? : used to.
First time
Kena marah : i don't remember , but i can say that,my feeling must be super CHUAK , ;D
Duduk jauh dari family : at matriculation college. alhamdulillah, everything were fine, they used to pay a visit .
Tengok wayang : i think when i was in standard 6,after got my UPSR results, the movie was Finding Nemo. ;)
Ponteng kelas : used to ,but i skipped my class to hang out with my family. haha ;D
Jatuh cinta : lembik lutot.
Accident : minor,many times. but for the serious one when i was in form 4 . alhamdulillah i'm still alive,my bike was broken into pieces . O_0 .
tag 4
thx for spending your precious time reading this entry ;)
Hey singgah sini dan polo anda sebab simple je blog ni, and ohh nice header. Haha. :)
Psst : Bloggis Comel Buat Perkara Tak Patut Jangan Tiru!
ahaha.terpanah dek pandangan arjuna
@mr .swift
heyp,,thanks polo ,, polo you back ;)
@anisa hang tuah
jazakAllah ;) malu le,,,haha
wahhh hahahaa =)
Hik . Yang ini kelakar dan menarik juga . Macam Amira =]
ohh..adik lah kamu ni..ingatkan udah tua. opss..anyway, nice to know u.
nak tengok gamba je senaye.
muka suci lepas smayang.hihi
dlu blaja kt rompin pahang ke?
r sure ur foot not like kanggaroo..haha =p
kiddin..bndr bru uda 2 kt jhor ke??
tetiba rsa nk wat gak cam kmu buat ni..xpa kn sy copy paste soaln tu??
hahahah....jawapan yang membina minda...:D
hehehhe...bukan belasan tahun yea...
hahaha .
funny lorh .
kucai ? sounds familiar ..
why kucai ?
he loves to eat kucia?
jujur n eklas betul n3 ni.hehehe
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