as salammu 'alaikum and hello, ;) guys,i'm still catching a cold.aiseh man,how to make this jelly monster reside in my nose disappear haa.not comfortable at all!
if you guys have any tips how to avoid or prevent it,please share with me aite ~.i really need that.
tomorrow,insyaALlah,i will skate again with my clicks.yahooO! .hehe.even though i have cold right now,but it'll no problem,as long as i achieve my goal. ;D actually,i wrote this entry in notepad,haha because i still didn't topup my internet yet,insyaAllah,tonight i'll. this last 3 days,i spent a lot of my pocket money for metro and bus tickets ,each cost 1080 rub (RM108),700 rub (RM70) respectively. yup,in addition,tonight i'll spend 500 rub more for the internet. aisshh .still waiting for my student card,with it,i'll get discount till up to 50% for transportation tickets and also valid for other stuffs.besides, for ice skating,we only have to pay RM2 per entry just like i'd mentioned in previous entry. ;))
below is the du'a i would like to share with you guys ;
La ila Ha illAllah hul Halim mul 'Azim,
La ila ha illAllah hu Robbul 'Arsyil 'Azim,
La ila ha illAllah hu Robbus samaawat tiwa Robbul ardh,
Robbul 'arsyil Karim.
this du'a if you recite it,insyaALlah,Allah will make it easier for you in all of your undertakings. ;)) i got this du'a from Muntakhab Hadith kitab.insyaAllah,i don't spell it wrongly.but,if there are any mistakes,may Allah give His forgiveness for all my weakness.
minum banyak jus oren...
kita dpt cold sbb kurang vit C...
klu tak salah.. (~.~")
tapi betol taw..kita baca..
thx for the tips ,,
but ,now with me,only pineapple juice,,hehe,,ok,i'll find ornge 2morrow,,thx again ;)
geli gelaman tgk pic ni..
anak en aziz ke ni?
Nnt lap hingus dia taw..tak elok biar dia camtu..hehehe.. =)
haha,,this is not my son la,,
anak korean ne tah,,
haha...sampai jdi belon...ank sape laa tu...:)
mau meaning d du'a bole?
thanks to share the du'a
@semarak api
insyaAllah,once i found the exact meaning,i'll send it to you.
@awangku Johan
afwan ya akhi ;)
really enjoy reading your the way,the pic really..yakk!!sorry..xleh tgk lama2..rasa nk amek towel,kesat hidung dia....:)
hahaha ;DD
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