Wednesday, December 29, 2010

AGAIN , all praises to ALLAH ! ;)

alhamdulillah , i passed the latin exam just now, thanks to Galena (my latin lecturer) for the 'freedom' you just gave. maybe i'm glad i'm not one of your victims today .happy new year to you too . you are such a nice lecturer (uhukkk3 !) haha . i hope my friends did well too,because everyday,they're struggle studying latin ( uhukk3! ) . especially Pisang (room mate), hahaha, Pisang, is it ?
now, there's no one in my room,only me,my lappy , and a bowl of tom yam maggie in front .
warghh,,this was the last maggie pack i have left . where can i find mee maggie here ? . here ,they also have instant mee, but not as spicy as Kari Letup ! haha . guys, if you have sympathy for me, then,please post to me, mee maggie curry, tom yam ,laksa and i guaranteed you will be my best of the best buddies .

guys, tomorrow will be my last human anatomy colloq (test),about the muscles of upper and lower limbs . Allahhu Akhbar, its crucial to memorize all parts in details ,even though its kinda hard as hell yet interesting and it open our eyes and hearts to see the signs of the POWER OF ALMIGHTY ALLAH .muscles,bones,joints in the body,its impossible if we say that it growth by itself,there must be someone behind this creation,who is it? Allah is only the answer for this question .all parts of human body were created perfectly and detailed non of the scientist in this earth are able to create something like that,not even close . the One Allah is the creator and we as His servants have to admit that He is THE GEATEST.He was worthy of praise and He is the Powerful and Almighty ,and His creation can do absolutely nothing without His consent or permission.

p/s : don't forget to raise both of your hand and make du'a for me to pass tomorrow's test ok !

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